Many times we need to sort the data to represent in a particular order.
Here is a trick to sort the data sets in Java. In this example i am using an unordered MapSet to demonstrate the sorting of MapSet with its key.
Map<String,String> maps_set=new Map<String,String>;
maps_set.put("Java","developed by SunMicroSystems");
maps_set.put("CSHARP","developed by Microsoft");
maps_set.put("PYTHON","Python Organization");
SortedSet<string> keys=new TreeSet(maps_set.keySet());//Here the Keys were sorted by the TreeSet and placed in the keys object
System.Out.Println("Key Value");
foreach (String key : keys) {
System.Out.Println("Maps_Key:"+key+" Map_Value:"+maps_set.get(key));
In the above example the I had put the 3 values into the maps_set and they are not in a alphabetical order
Here is a trick to sort the data sets in Java. In this example i am using an unordered MapSet to demonstrate the sorting of MapSet with its key.
Map<String,String> maps_set=new Map<String,String>;
maps_set.put("Java","developed by SunMicroSystems");
maps_set.put("CSHARP","developed by Microsoft");
maps_set.put("PYTHON","Python Organization");
SortedSet<string> keys=new TreeSet(maps_set.keySet());//Here the Keys were sorted by the TreeSet and placed in the keys object
System.Out.Println("Key Value");
foreach (String key : keys) {
System.Out.Println("Maps_Key:"+key+" Map_Value:"+maps_set.get(key));
In the above example the I had put the 3 values into the maps_set and they are not in a alphabetical order