SimpleDateFormat is a Java class that handles the date fromats. There are some basic rules followed in defining the custom date fromat.
E - represents first 3 letters of the day of the week like (Ex: Sun, Mon, Tue etc..)
EEEE - represents the full name of the day (Ex: Sunday, Monday etc..)
yy - represents the last two digits of the year (Ex: 14 for 2014)
yyyy - represents the year (Ex: 2013,2014 etc..)
M - represents the month number (Ex: 1 for January, 2 for February, 11 for November etc..)
MM - represents the month in number with a preceded 0 (Ex: 01 for January, 02 fro February etc..)
MMM - represents the month in text with first 3 characters of the month (Ex: Jan, Feb, Mar Apr etc..)
MMMM or M's >3 - represents the full text of the month (Ex: January, February, March etc)
dd - represents the day in number with preceding zero for numbers less than 10. (Ex: 01, 02 etc..)
(increasing each d will put a preceding 0 for example for ddd 1 becomes 001 which is not used as the day are not more than 31 in a month)
H - represents the number of hour in 24 hours format (Ex: 1,2, 12 18, 24 etc..)
HH - represents the hour in 24 hours format with the preceding 0 (Ex: 01,02,03, 18,24 etc..)
h - represents the hour in 12 hours format ((Ex: 1,2, 12 etc..)
hh - represents the hour in 12 hours format with the preceding 0 (Ex: 01,02,03,12 etc..)
m - represents the minutes (Ex: 1, 2, 3, 59 etc..)
mm - represents the minutes with preceding 0. (Ex: 01, 02, 03, 59 etc..)
ss - for seconds withe preceding 0 (Ex: 01, 02, 03, 59 etc..)
a - represents the AM/PM.
z or zz or zzz - represents the 3 lettered Time Zone (Ex: CST, UST, IST etc..)
zzzz - represents the full Time Zone name (Ex: Central Standard Time, Indian Standard Time etc..)
Here is an example code for the Date formats.
The special characters are used for the user readable format users can put what they like most.
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
public class HelloWorld{
public static void main(String []args){
System.out.println("Simple Date Format test program");
SimpleDateFormat sd=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzzz");
Date now =new Date(); //The object new will have the current date
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